I am breaking some MF news today…and that is…I am not perfect, and I am not fully healed. I don’t want anyone in my audience to think I have it all together. Because I don’t. I sometimes get messages like, “You don’t know anything,” and “Who do you think you are?” I am here to address this bullsh*t. This show is not about knowing everything but about getting to know ourselves. It is literally in the show’s tagline, Y’ALL. I am HEALING. Not HEALED. I am searching to know more about myself and helping others do the same in our journey together. In my pursuit to address this, I am sharing tidbits of my life lately and tips on how we can combat the haters. Let’s f*cking go.
In this episode…
Not being so hard on yourself
Triggers and falling into old patterns
My meltdown
Girl shaming
Taking accountability
Resentment and anger
Being kind to yourself
“There is a misconception that if you talk about healing, you are automatically healed. If you make mistakes, you are a hypocrite. Part of the healing process is knowing that you will continue to make mistakes and learning from them forever.” 6:00
“Taking accountability does not mean accepting responsibility for the entirety of a situation gone bad. It means taking responsibility for your part in the experience.” 7:10
“Whether people take responsibility for their actions or not, holding resentment toward others ultimately only hurts ourselves.” 9:20
“Healing is not linear. We do not arrive. We continue to work at it.” 11:00
0:00- 1:15 | Introduction
1:15- 4:20 | My meltdown
4:20- 5:30 | Girl shaming
5:30- 6:30 | Making mistakes
6:30- 9:00 | Taking responsibility
9:00- 11:10 | Resentment and anger
11:10- 12:38 | Being kind to ourselves
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